Principles of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of occupational injuries in ballet dancers

Volkov, M.V.; Mironova, Z.S.; Badnin, I.A.

Vestnik Khirurgii Imeni I. I. Grekova 114(5): 87-90


ISSN/ISBN: 0042-4625
PMID: 1229048
Document Number: 92987
In the paper, a 20-year experience with practice of the sport and ballet-trauma department at Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedy, named after N. N. Priorov, and 7-year activities of the medical-ballet dispensary at Bolshoi Theatre of the USSR on diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of occupational traumas in ballet-dancers are summarized. Some basic principles of diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis in occupational injuries in ballet-dancers are described. As a result of the employed prophylactic measures the incidence of trauma has fallen thrice as low.

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