Effectiveness of vitamin a acid in diseases of the mouth mucosa: lichen ruber planus, leukoplakias and geographic tongue

Günther, S.

Zeitschrift für Hautkrankheiten 50(1): 41-46


ISSN/ISBN: 0301-0481
PMID: 1216954
Document Number: 88666
52 patients, with different pattern of oral lichen planus, pre-malignant leukoplakia or geographic tongue, were treated with vitamin A acid. The systemic medication resulted in regression of discrete papules and leukoplakia-like appearance of oral lichen planus. Linear-hypertrophic pattern of the oral mucosa showed distinct involution only by topical administration of vitamin A acid. Also the patients suffering from pre-malignant leukoplakia or geographic tongue partly improved after a vitamin A acid therapy. Systemic side effects were noted after ignoring the tolerance limit (30 mg/day vitamin A acid/3 weeks). Inflammation and occasionally maceration appeared when local treatment was used over 3 weeks. Recurrence was observed in 11 patients.

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