Dependence of immune cytolysis of cells infected with western equine encephalomyelitis virus upon the cell cycle stages
Farutina, L.M.; Karmysheva, V.I.; Karaseva, P.S.; Ivanova, R.I.
Voprosy Virusologii 2: 186-190
ISSN/ISBN: 0507-4088 PMID: 1241178 Document Number: 83762
In the first few hours after inoculation of Chinese hamster cells with western equine encephalomyelitis virus the mitotic activity of the cells did not change significantly but mitoses stopped mainly in the stage of metaphase and had all signs of pathological mitoses. Treatment of the cells for 1 hour with the homologous antiviral immune serum and complement resulted in destruction and death of practically all cells except those in the state of mitosis. In the latter specific fluorescence of virus antigen was demonstrated by the fluorescent antibody technique same as before treatment with the homologous immune serum and complement. Resistance of mitoses to immune cytolysis is probably conducive to virus persistence.