Morphohistochemical changes in cerebral vascular plexi in connective tissue diseases
Kaminskii, I.V.; Shevchenko, V.N.
Zhurnal Nevropatologii i Psikhiatrii Imeni S.S. Korsakova 75(7): 986-989
ISSN/ISBN: 0044-4588 PMID: 128966 Document Number: 83642
The vascular brain plexi were studied in 40 cases of rheumatism, 18 cases of systemic lupus vulgaris, 12 cases of nodus periarthritis and 5 cases of sclerodermia. In all cases there were phenomena of a desorganization of the connective tissue in the stroma and vascular walls accompanied by a significant accumulation of acid mucopolysaccharides, panvasculitis, thrombovasculitis, necrobiotic changes of the chorioid epithelium and nervous filaments. The authors report of special traits of structural changes inherent in each disease.