Interruption of the late stages of pregnancy by means of transcervical amniocentesis and the replacement of the amniotic fluid

Babukhadiia, V.I.; Polinskaia, E.D.; Chumanova, G.S.; Bogdan, S.I.

Pediatriia Akusherstvo i Ginekologiia 5: 53-55


ISSN/ISBN: 0031-4048
PMID: 4477651
Document Number: 81164
In order to interrupt the late stages of pregnancy transcervical amniocentesis was applied. The amniotic fluid was replaced by solutions of sodium chloride or glucose. This operation took 10-15 minutes and was performed on 250 women aged from 13 to 40 years. Reasons for interruption of pregnancy were cardiovascular diseases (55 cases), liver problems (36 cases), immaturity of women (8 cases) and others. Before the replacement of the amniotic fluid folliculin injections were given. A comparison was made between 2 groups of women. In the first (28 women) the amniotic fluid was replaced by 400-500 ml of hypertensive solution of glucose (40%) and in the second (222 women) it was replaced by the same quantity of a sodium chloride solution (10% concentration). The expulsion of the fetus began after 34 hours in the 1st group and after 32 hours in the second. It took 6-8 and 4-6 hours respectively to complete the abortion. The loss of blood was 100-400 ml for the first and 100-500 ml for the 2nd group. When glucose was used an elevation by 20-30% of blood sugar occurred but this index returned to normal after 24 hours. Using the salt solution did not change the chloride concentration in the blood. On the basis of this study it was concluded that transcervical amniocentesis and the replacement of amniotic liquid by solutions of sodium chloride or glucose is an effective, accessible, and safe method for the interruption of the late stages of pregnancy.

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