Dynamics of heart rate variability under the influence of course yoga breathing exercises on healthy young people

Sheiko, N.I.; Feketa, V.P.

Wiadomosci Lekarskie 72(4): 613-616


ISSN/ISBN: 0043-5147
PMID: 31055542
Document Number: 699607
Introduction: Heart rate variability is a highly informative non-invasive method of research not only for the functional state of the cardiovascular system and also for the integrative regulatory activity of the autonomic nervous system. The positive effect of diaphragmatic breathing is positive in the mode of biological feedback using portable devices, but there is little evidence of the use of yoga breathing gymnastics in order to influence the heart rate variability. The aim: To compare the possibilities of using courses of breathing gymnastics of yogis and diaphragmatic breathing sessions in the mode of biological feedback using a portable device. Materials and methods: The study involved 70 practically healthy foreigners, who were divided into 2 groups of 35 people. Participants of the 1st group daily engage in respiratory exercises pranayama for 15 minutes in 1 month. Participants in the 2nd group used the MyCalmBeat portable device. Heart rate variability was registered by using the computer diagnostic complex "CardioLab" ("KhAI-Medika", Ukraine). Results: In both groups there was similar dynamics of heart rate variability indices, but its severity was different. The common integral effect was a significant growth of heart rate variability both according to statistical and spectral indicators - total power increased, as well as high-frequency component. The power of the very-low frequency waves has probably decreased only in the group with the device. In the percentage structure of the cardiac rhythm spectrum, the specific weight of very-low frequency component and the percentage of high-frequency component increased. Conclusions: Respiratory gymnastics yoga for 15 minutes daily contributes to the growth of heart rate variability through the suppression of the central link (very-low frequency component) of regulation of cardiac rhythm and increased activity of parasympathetic influences (high-frequency component), as well as the redistribution of regulatory activity of the central nervous system between the central and peripheral links of regulation of the cardiac rhythm in favor of the latter.

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