Long term control and preservation of renal function after multiple courses of stereotactic body radiation therapy for renal cell carcinoma

Reddy, A.V.; Mills, M.N.; Liauw, S.L.; Baliga, S.; Kersh, C.R.

Canadian Journal of Urology 26(2): 9743-9745


ISSN/ISBN: 1195-9479
PMID: 31012841
Document Number: 699527
Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is usually treated with surgery, with or without systemic therapy. For select patients, stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) may be a suitable alternative. Although many reports exist on the successful use of SBRT, very few have described long term outcomes with regard to disease progression and renal function. We report a rare case of a single patient with primary, metastatic, and locally recurrent renal cell carcinoma who was successfully treated with SBRT. The patient has been disease-free for 8 years since treatment, with stable renal function even after two courses of SBRT to her solitary functioning kidney.

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