A new Machine Learning Framework for Understanding the Link Between Cannabis use and First-Episode Psychosis

Alghamdi, W.; Stamate, D.; Stahl, D.; Zamyatin, A.; Murray, R.; Di Forti, M.

Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 248: 9-16


ISSN/ISBN: 1879-8365
PMID: 29726413
Document Number: 696193
Lately, several studies started to investigate the existence of links between cannabis use and psychotic disorders. This work proposes a refined Machine Learning framework for understanding the links between cannabis use and 1st episode psychosis. The novel framework concerns extracting predictive patterns from clinical data using optimised and post-processed models based on Gaussian Processes, Support Vector Machines, and Neural Networks algorithms. The cannabis use attributes' predictive power is investigated, and we demonstrate statistically and with ROC analysis that their presence in the dataset enhances the prediction performance of the models with respect to models built on data without these specific attributes.

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