The value of ultrasonic elastography in diagnosis of salivary gland lesions in patients with Sjogren's syndrome

Zhang, W.-Q.; Gong, X.; Xiong, P.

Shanghai Kou Qiang Yi Xue 27(1): 73-78


ISSN/ISBN: 1006-7248
PMID: 29946647
Document Number: 695959
The present study was aimed to clinically evaluate transitional treatment of pulpitis during pregnancy. Sixty pregnant women with pulpitis were divided into the first, second and third trimester. They were anesthetized locally using STA system combined with psychological intervention during treatment. The teeth were given one-appointment root canal preparation and filled with vitapex pasta. Normal obturation of the root canal was conducted after delivery. The effects of dental treatment, pregnancy outcomes and neonatal health status were observed. Data of the survey were analyzed by SPSS 20.0 software package, including Student's t test and chi-square test. The symptoms of pulpitis were significantly improved 24h after treatment,and the effective rate was 96.7%. The difference of VAS before and after treatment was statistically significant (P<0.05). Patients had no discomfort till the end of pregnancy,and the success rate was 98.3%. No adverse pregnancy outcomes were observed after treatment during different periods of pregnancy. Neonatal health was good. Significant differences were not found in birth gestational age, body weight, malformations, and neonatal complications between three treatment periods (P>0.05). Transitional treatment of pulpitis during pregnancy is a safe and effective procedure and worthy of wide use clinically.

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