Characteristic of morbidity indices and prevalence of diseases among the population of transcarpathian region

Skryp, V.V.; Мironyk, Іv.S.; Slabkiy, G.О

Wiadomosci Lekarskie 71(5): 1051-1055


ISSN/ISBN: 0043-5147
PMID: 30176639
Document Number: 695545
Introduction: The state of people's health takes a special place in the system of values of the civilized countries. The health of the population of the country reflects it's socio-economic, environmental, demographic, and sanitary-and-hygienic welfare and is one of the social indicators of society progress, an important factor that impacts the quality and efficiency of labor resources. The aim: Study and analyze the morbidity and prevalence of disease among the population of Transcarpathian region in terms of administrative areas. Materials and methods: Statistical and bibliosemantic methods were applied in the course of study. The data of branch statistical reporting of Transcarpathian region for the period 2015-2017 were used as materials for research. Review: The trend towards decreasing the prevalence of diseases among adult population and morbidity indices and the prevalence of diseases among infants was registered in the region. The increase of morbidity index of adult population was registered. The indices of morbidity and the prevalence of diseases among population show proved differences in terms of administrative areas of the region. Conclusions: The indices of morbidity and the prevalence of diseases among population work as an important factor when planning a reform in the system of providing medical aid to the population and the level of its financing.

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