Simple bone cyst: rare incidental finding in the mandibular condyle by cone beam computed tomography
Da Costa, E.D.; Roque-Torres, G.D.; Peyneau, P.D.; Godolfim, L.ís.R.; Haiter Neto, F.; Almeida, S.M.
General Dentistry 66(1): 54-56
ISSN/ISBN: 0363-6771 PMID: 29303761 Document Number: 695527
The simple bone cyst (SBC) is a benign intraosseous lesion that is considered to be a pseudocyst because the cystic cavity does not present an epithelial lining. The most accepted theory regarding its etiology is that the SBC develops when the blood clot fails to organize subsequent to bleeding caused by trauma. The SBC is asymptomatic, and therefore the diagnosis is made through routine imaging examinations. In imaging examinations, the lesion is characterized by a radiolucent, unilocular, well-delimited appearance and an irregular or scalloped contour with or without a sclerotic halo. This case report describes an SBC in the mandibular condyle region, discovered incidentally on imaging examinations.