Nurses to be preferred over physicians in elderly care?

Poot, A.J.

Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde 162: D2091


ISSN/ISBN: 0028-2162
PMID: 29424328
Document Number: 695232
A thorough systematic literature review comparing care for the elderly provided by physicians and nurses with that provided by physicians alone finds a modest advantage for the first. The conclusion is that 'Physician substitution in healthcare for the aging population may achieve at least as good patient outcomes and process of care outcomes compared with care provided by physicians'. On closer inspection, the selected studies compare multidisciplinary care programmes including nursing staff with monodisciplinary physician care. The modest advantage found for the multidisciplinary programmes can be seen as support for the prevailing consensus that this is the way to go, but the conclusion that this is support for the substitution of physicians lacks evidence. Focus on cost-effectiveness and/or the wish to accentuate the important role of highly trained nursing experts in modern care for older people may have affected the interpretation of the data.

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