Two new troglobiont Pygmarrhopalites species of the principalis group (Collembola: Arrhopalitidae) from the West Caucasus

Vargovitsh, R.S.

Zootaxa 4250(1): 23-42


ISSN/ISBN: 1175-5326
PMID: 28610030
Document Number: 693876
Springtails of the principalis-group of the genus Pygmarrhopalites from the W Caucasian caves in Abkhazia are described: Pygmarrhopalites dbari sp. nov. from Psyrtskha Cave in Novy Afon and Pygmarrhopalites kovali sp. nov. from caves of Tsebelda Karst Massif. They differ from epigean relatives mainly by troglomorphies: reduced pigmentation, elongated appendages and modified foot complex. These new species as well as a great portion of endemic Caucasian speleofauna have highly restricted distribution and require protection. A new record of Arrhopalites abchasicus Vargovitsh, 2013 in Novoafonskaya Cave is added.

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