Development of a Deep Learning Algorithm for Automatic Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy

Raju, M.; Pagidimarri, V.; Barreto, R.; Kadam, A.; Kasivajjala, V.; Aswath, A.

Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 245: 559-563


ISSN/ISBN: 1879-8365
PMID: 29295157
Document Number: 692761
This paper mainly focuses on the deep learning application in classifying the stage of diabetic retinopathy and detecting the laterality of the eye using funduscopic images. Diabetic retinopathy is a chronic, progressive, sight-threatening disease of the retinal blood vessels. Ophthalmologists diagnose diabetic retinopathy through early funduscopic screening. Normally, there is a time delay in reporting and intervention, apart from the financial cost and risk of blindness associated with it. Using a convolutional neural network based approach for automatic diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy, we trained the prediction network on the publicly available Kaggle dataset. Approximately 35,000 images were used to train the network, which observed a sensitivity of 80.28% and a specificity of 92.29% on the validation dataset of ~53,000 images. Using 8,810 images, the network was trained for detecting the laterality of the eye and observed an accuracy of 93.28% on the validation set of 8,816 images.

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