Modernizing dermatology interest groups in medical school: Certificate programs

Wang, J.V.; Korta, D.Z.; Keller, M.

Dermatology Online Journal 23(11)


ISSN/ISBN: 1087-2108
PMID: 29447633
Document Number: 692112
This commentary addresses the increasingly competitive nature of applying to dermatology residency programs and how both interest groups in medical schools and their dermatology departments can help to better prepare applicants. As previous literature argued that dermatology has been underemphasized in medical school curricula, we propose five fundamental options that interest groups can implement in order to offer increased exposure to our field in medical training. Furthermore, with therecent trend of many schools conferring certificates in various specialized concentrations, we also discuss interest groups pioneering certificate-grantingprograms in dermatology competency. The pros and cons of having a recognized certificate program in dermatology are presented.

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