Next Generation Mesh Fixation Technology for Hernia Repair

Berler, D.J.; Cook, T.; LeBlanc, K.; Jacob, B.P.

Surgical Technology International 29: 109-117


ISSN/ISBN: 1090-3941
PMID: 27466869
Document Number: 691394
Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair (LVHR) remains a safe, reproducible, and popular method employed by surgeons to repair abdominal wall hernias. Patient selection, operative technique, instrumentation, and implant choice all remain surgeon dependent. Inherent in the technique is the option of using mesh. The decision of where to place the mesh and how to optimally fixate the mesh in the onlay, sublay, or intraabdominal positions also remain surgeon dependent and has been the subject of ongoing debates for the past two decades. In an ongoing effort to develop new methods for securing mesh to minimize pain without increased recurrence rates, novel mesh fasteners and mesh textiles have been developed. With increasing surgeon responsibility to improve value, surgeons should concentrate more on choosing the novel options that not only improve outcomes, but also reduce overall costs. This chapter reviews some of the emerging markets for these technologies.

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