Homocysteine as a Prognostic Marker of Atrial Remodeling and Clinical Picture in Patients with Paroxysmal and Persistent Forms of Atrial Fibrillation

Snezhitsky, V.A.; Yatskevich, E.S.; Doroshenko, E.M.; Smirnov, V.Y.; Dolgoshey, T.S.; Rubinsky, A.Y.

Klinicheskaia Meditsina 94(1): 16-22


ISSN/ISBN: 0023-2149
PMID: 27172716
Document Number: 690051
The aim of this work was to study prognostic significance of the relationship between the homocysteine level, structural/functional atrial remodeling, and clinical picture of paroxysmal and persistent forms of atrial fibrillation (AF). The study included 75 patients with AF concomitant with coronary heart disease and hypertensive disease without apparent structural changes in myocardium. Group 1 was comprised of 48 patients with paroxysmal AF, group 2 of 27 patients with persistent AF. 19 patients with coronary heart disease and hypertensive disease without AF served as controls. The structural and functional state of the heart was evaluated based on two-dimensional trans-thoracal echocardiography with the use of the formulas for calculating left ventricular characteristics. Blood homocysteine levels were measured The frequency of AF relapses was determined after an 1 year follow-up. The homocysteine level over 11.2 mcmol/l was related to left ventricle enlargement (over 40 mm), high frequency and relapse rate of AF. It is concluded that the relationship between homocysteine levels, left ventricle size, frequency and relapse rate of AF suggests the influence of homocysteine on atrial remodeling. A rise in the homocysteine level above 11 mcmol/l should be regarded as a prognostic factor of increased AF relapse rate.

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