Work Related Musculoskeletal Morbidity among Tailors: A Cross Sectional Study in a Slum of Kolkata

Banerjee, S.; Bandyopadhyay, L.; Dasgupta, A.; Paul, B.; Chattopadhyay, O.

Kathmandu University Medical Journal 14(56): 305-310


ISSN/ISBN: 1812-2027
PMID: 29336416
Document Number: 689985
Background Musculoskeletal disorders comprise the single largest group of work-related illnesses in developing countries. Sedentary working style with wrong posture for long time is considered to be an important risk factor, which is largely modifiable. Objective This study was performed to determine the prevalence and find out the factors associated with Musculoskeletal disorders among the workers involved in tailoring occupation. Method A descriptive community based cross-sectional study was conducted in the urban slums of Chetla, Kolkata on March and April, 2015. One hundred and ten (110) out of 383 resident tailors in the area were chosen by simple random sampling and interviewed by approaching them in their work place. Descriptive statistics and multivariable logistic regression were used Result Using Nordic Musculoskeletal questionnaire, Musculoskeletal disorders was found among 65.45% of tailors. The most commonly affected site was neck (41.8%) followed by lower and upper back. In bivariate analysis, musculo-skeletal disorders was found to be significantly associated with age more than 45 years [OR (95% CI)= 3.35 (1.30- 8.60)], working for > 10 years [OR (95% CI)= 7.01 (2.93-16.79)*], working > 8 hours per day [OR (95% CI)= 2.75 (1.20-6.20)], full time job [OR (95% CI)= 2.41 (1.08-5.39)] and unfavourable workstation ergonomic [OR (95% CI)= 2.40 (1.10-5.40)], whereas in multivariate analysis age, sex, duration in the profession [AOR (95%CI= 4.40 (1.40- 14.30)], working hours per day [AOR (95%CI= 7.20 (1.80-27.80)], and unfavourable workstation ergonomic [AOR (95%CI)= 3.50 (1.26-9.80)] remained significant. Conclusion A multidimensional approach including appropriate technique in terms of operators' posture and ergonomically sound workstation are required to avoid the debilitating effect of Musculoskeletal disorders among the workers.

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