Poikiloderma-like cutaneous amyloidosis--a rare presentation of primary localized cutaneous amyloidosis

Heng, J.Khee.; Ho, S.Ann.; Tan, K.Bing.

Dermatology Online Journal 22(1)


ISSN/ISBN: 1087-2108
PMID: 26990468
Document Number: 689973
Poikiloderma-like cutaneous amyloidosis (PCA) is a rare variant of primary cutaneous amyloidosis. It was first described in 1929 and there are two clinical forms of PCA, the ordinary type and PCA syndrome. The characteristics of PCA include poikiloderma-like skin changes, lichenoid papules, blister formation, and cutaneous amyloid deposits on histological examination. These skin lesions usually occur at the extremities, consistent with the few cases that have been reported. We present a case of a 62-year-old man who presented with the features of poikiloderma-like cutaneous amyloidosis. Diagnosis of this unique condition is a challenge and a skin biopsy is necessary in such instances. A discussion of the differential diagnosis of this condition is also included.

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