Psychiatry in everyday life
Češková, E.
Casopis Lekaru Ceskych 155(4): 40-42
ISSN/ISBN: 0008-7335 PMID: 27481201 Document Number: 687195
Severe mental disorders including its main representative schizophrenia are chronic lifelong diseases. Most patients like those with somatic disease can live in the society under certain conditions as continuous psychopharmacotherapy and availability of community services. Similarly as in somatic medicine a great attentions is devoted to the individualized treatment.Psychotic disorders have some specific features, like lack of insight associated with poor adherence. Nowadays we have a possibility of an objective adherence evaluation by plasma levels measurement and the depots, long-action injections of antipsychotics (including the second generation antipsychotics), are available. Unfortunately this modern approach is restricted by insurance companies.In spite of the fact that therapeutic drug monitoring is an advantageous tool for treatment optimization this interdisciplinary service is in many faculty and regional hospitals not provided. Providers of health care should realise that accessibility of some services and medication could reduce the danger of untreated psychosis.