Classification of Movement of people with Parkinsons Disease Using Wearable Inertial Movement Units and Machine Learning
Ireland, D.; Wang, Z.; Lamont, R.; Liddle, J.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 227: 61-66
ISSN/ISBN: 1879-8365 PMID: 27440290 Document Number: 685790
In this work, inertial movement units were placed on people with Parkinsons disease (PwPD) who subsequently performed a standard test of walking endurance (six-minute walk test - 6MWT). Five devices were placed on each the limbs and small of the back. These devices captured the acceleration and rotational motion while the person walked as far as they can in six minutes. The wearable devices can objectively indicate the pattern and rhythmicity of limb and body movements. It is possible that this data, when subject to machine learning could provide additional objective measures that may support clinical observations related to the quality of movement. The aim of this work is two fold. First, to identify the most useful features of the captured signals; second, to identify the accuracy of using these features to predict the severity of PD as measured by standard clinical assessment.