Information transmission to the community pharmacist after a patient's discharge from the hospital: setting up of a written medication discharge form, prospective evaluation of its impact, and survey of the information needs of the pharmacists
Claeys, C.; Dufrasne, M.; De Vriese, C.; Nève, J.; Tulkens, P.M.; Spinewine, A.
Journal de Pharmacie de Belgique 1: 42-54
ISSN/ISBN: 0047-2166 PMID: 26571796 Document Number: 683420
Discharge from the hospital is a period at risk for the continuity of patient's medication (seamless pharmaceutical care). The community pharmacist is often the first health care professional seen by the patient after hospital discharge. The clinical pharmacist has potentially a key role in establishing an efficient information transfer from the hospital to the community pharmacy. (1) To develop and, (2) to evaluate the impact of a structured discharge medication form prepared at hospital discharge by the clinical pharmacist and containing information items related to the medication regimen for the community pharmacist, and (3) to survey the information needs of the Belgian community pharmacists to ensure continuity of care after hospitalization. (1) A structured discharge medication form has been developed based on a Literature review and on opinions expressed by community and clinical pharmacists, members of the Belgian Pharmaceutical Union (Association Pharmaceutique Belge) and an ethical committee. (2) A prospective study has been conducted with patients from geriatrics and orthopaedics wards of the University Hospital Dinant-Godinne returning home after hospital discharge with the discharge medication form to be given to their commuiity pharmacist; its use, the reasons for non-use, the perceived impact and the satisfaction of the community pharmacist have been assessed. (3) An on-line survey addressed to all Belgian community pharmacists evaluated their information needs. (1) The final version of the discharge medication form included key information items concerning the hospital, the patient, the discharge treatment (including the type of modifications made as compared to medications taken before admission), and on medication management at home. Some items were excluded because of Lack of perceived utility by pharmacists, confidentiality issues, and respect of patient's freedom of choice. (2) From the 71 medication forms given to patients, 48 were received by the community pharmacist. One quarter of respondents stated that they did not use the form, the main reason being that it was received after dispensing of the discharge treatment (n=6/11). The majority of the community pharmacists considered most of the information items as useful and the discharge medication form as being valuable for continuity of care. Requests for additional information were made (e.g., reason of admission and of treatment modifications, etc.). (3) The utility, benefits, and need for additional information items beyond what was included in the discharge medication form were highlighted by the respondents (n=309) of the national survey. Most of these respondents confirmed the value of the different information items included in the discharge medication form. The transmission of a structured medication form containing information about the medication regimen upon hospital discharge is of real interest and value for the community pharmacist because it goes beyond what is usually provided on a medical prescription. However, this discharge medication form should include more information items for effective pharmaceutical care.