Current State of Adjuvant Treatment for Gastric Cancer After Radical Surgery with Extended Lymph Node Dissection

Skoropad, V.Yu.

Voprosy Onkologii 61(3): 339-345


ISSN/ISBN: 0507-3758
PMID: 26242143
Document Number: 680294
There are presented results of recently published large multicenter randomized trials on the effectiveness of different adjuvant therapy regimens after gastrectomy D2 in patients with gastric cancer. It is shown that adjuvant chemotherapy as monotherapy by drug S-1 and polychemotherapy by XELOX improves long-term outcomes of patients with stages 2-3. At the same time the intensification of therapy--additional administration of paclitaxel, the combination FOLFIRI scheme with docetaxel and cisplatin--have not led to a significant increase in survival rate. In regard of the advisability of combination of adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The data obtained do not allow to make a define conclusion up to date. Promising areas of research is the use of targeted drugs in adjuvant regimen as well as the search for biomarkers to identify patients at high risk of recurrence and to predict the effectiveness of adjuvant therapy.

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