Typology of mixed depressive states in bipolar affective disorder
Avedisova, A.S.; Vorobyev, R.V.
Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psikhiatrii Imeni S.S. Korsakova 114(1): 16-25
ISSN/ISBN: 1997-7298 PMID: 24637812 Document Number: 676367
Using a dimensional approach, authors singled out three clinical variants of depressive mixed states among bipolar patients: agitated depression, depression with flight of ideas, depression with hyperreactivity. Assessment of the severity of concurrent depressive and manic symptoms and a specific constellation of symptoms for each variant was provided. The results of psychometric evaluation confirmed the hypothesis that the emotional activation and hyperreactivity are core dimensions in mixed states in bipolar disorder. The relevance of premorbid affective temperament in the development of various mixed depressive states was observed. An attempt was made to describe the course and prognostic patterns for each proposed variant of mixed depressive states.