An opinion for a gender-equal society of surgeons

Toma, M.

Nihon Geka Gakkai zasshi 115(5): 293-296


ISSN/ISBN: 0301-4894
PMID: 25549443
Document Number: 675369
The number of female surgeon is continuously increasing, while the total number of surgeon is decreasing. The author has faced many difficulties while working as a pediatric surgeon and a mother of three children. Those difficulties were caused by the traditional sexual role in our society and by a fixed idea that the priority for a surgeon should be his or her profession. Here, the author addressed some suggestions which could lead the society of surgeons to a gender-equal one, and could make surgery a great appeal to female surgeons and to the young generations which consider private life as important as their professions as well. Suggestions include a change the relationship between a female surgeon and her partner, a supplement of surgeons so that hospitals could change the traditional system of surgery. The author proposed to increase female managers intentionally, so that the sense of sexual difference would be diminished and proper evolution of the society would be achieved.

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