Barrett's esophagus: an update

González, Nás.; Parra-Blanco, A.; Cohen, H.

Acta Gastroenterologica Latinoamericana 42(4): 333-347


ISSN/ISBN: 0300-9033
PMID: 23383529
Document Number: 660655
Barrett's esophagus is an acquired condition that results in a serious injury of the esophageal mucosa and whose importance lies in the possible progression to esophageal adenocarcinoma. The incidence of esophageal adenocarcinoma continues to rise in the Western world, being survival rate very grim when diagnosis is made in later stages. For this reason the current strategies to improve survival in patients with esophageal adenocarcinoma focus on cancer detection at an early and potentially curable stage. This purpose could be achieved either by screening patients most likely to have Barrett's esophagus or by endoscopic surveillance in patients with known Barrett's esophagus. However, the detection and monitoring strategies are currently invasive, expensive and with not really proven benefit. However, new techniques have been and are developed to improve the diagnosis and treatment in order to change the current reality. The aim of this paper is to update the reader on this pathology in terms of pathophysiological and epidemiological aspects, but especially in relation to advances in diagnosis and endoscopic treatment. We also propose a guideline for monitoring and clinical management in this group of patients.

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