Virtual trainer for intra-detrusor injection of botulinum toxin to treat urinary incontinence

Shen, Y.; Vasandani, P.; Iyer, J.; Gunasekaran, A.; Zhang, Y.; Burke, D.; Dykstra, D.; Sweet, R.

Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 173: 457-462


ISSN/ISBN: 0926-9630
PMID: 22357036
Document Number: 656147
Here we introduce a new virtual reality (VR) based simulation system for training the urological procedure of intra-detrusor botulinum toxin (Botox®) injections into the bladder. 6 cases with different bladder anatomy and 3 subtasks are included in the curriculum; this design is guided by several expert urologists according to clinical needs and experience. These virtual bladder models can be deformed by a cystoscope model or penetrated by a needle model. Data of location and dose per injection are collected during the training. After compared among various options, magnetic motion-tracking devices are chosen and integrated onto replicas of cystoscopic instruments as the VR interface for the specific operation. A web/database based learning management platform (LMP) is developed for online data access and validation studies of the training system.

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