Applying mencian's "mind of compassion" to real life situations in nursing practice

Lee, M.-H.

Hu Li Za Zhi Journal of Nursing 58(3): 105-111


ISSN/ISBN: 0047-262X
PMID: 21678261
Document Number: 655374
"Mind of Compassion", as elaborated by Mencius, emphasizes practice in life. It is a concept also highly valued in Confucian. The moral practice stressed by Confucian is a categorical imperative. Because the main concern is on life itself, moral actions should be taken "as is," without the need to refer to any other conditions. Nursing practice deals with patient diseases and death. Such is precisely the environment in which moral practice should take place. Professional healthcare workers may make very good use of the values and meanings of this moral practice and employ such to its fullest. As Mencius' "Mind of Compassion" reflects the main essence of nursing practice, its elaboration can be highly beneficial in nursing care. This article uses Mencius' concept as well as relevant Western theories and concepts (e.g., caring, empathy and sympathy) to clarify the main values and ways to practice a meaningful life.

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