Robotic laparoscopic radical prostatectomy
Rannikko, A.; Pétas, A.; Tiippana, E.; Taari, K.
Duodecim; Laaketieteellinen Aikakauskirja 127(6): 623-631
ISSN/ISBN: 0012-7183 PMID: 21528527 Document Number: 651458
Robotic laparoscopic radical prostatectomy is an established method in the treatment of localized prostatic cancer. The equipment comprises a separate control console that makes ergonomic working possible. The optics creates a three-dimensional view and 10 to 15-fold magnification, thus enabling accurate operation. Recovery from the procedure is quicker and the number of blood transfusions lower than in open radical prostatectomy. The methods do not differ in regard to oncological results. Regardless of technique, radical prostatectomy is a demanding operation, in which the surgeon's skills and experience are decisive for the final result.