Results of living donor kidney transplant in pediatric recipients, with graft obtained by laparoscopy

Barrero Candau, R.; Morcillo Azcárate, J.; Fernández Hurtado, M.; García Merino, F.; de Agustín Asensio, J.C.

Cirugia Pediatrica Organo Oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Cirugia Pediatrica 23(3): 141-143


ISSN/ISBN: 0214-1221
PMID: 23155658
Document Number: 646423
Analyze the results of the living related donor kidney transplant (LRDKT) in our center. Between December 2005 and 2008, 34 kidney transplants in pediatric recipients were performed in our center, 7 (20.58%) of which were LRDKT with grafts obtained via laparoscopy. The donor was the mother in 4 cases and the father in 3. Mean age of the donors was 43 years (38-48) and of the recipients 12.5 years (9-17). Four were a first transplant (one of them planned) and three retransplantations. Cold ischemia time was < 2 hours in every case while warm ischemia did not show significant differences with the cadaveric donor transplant. None had initial graft dysfunction. No vascular complications occurred, but there was a urinary fistula secondary to ureteral necrosis, resolved with a new reimplantation. Survival of the patient and graft is 100%, superior to that of the cadaveric grafts within the same period. Current mean plasma creatinine is 0.8 mg/dl (0.7-1.39) and mean creatinine clearance is 80 cc/min/1.73 m2 (75-90). No donor had surgical complication and all maintain good kidney function. The short term results of the LRDKT with grafts obtained by laparoscopy in our center are similar to those described by groups with large experience, which makes it possible to continue offering it with guarantee.

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