A longitudinal study of cultural competence among health science faculty

Wilson, A.H.; Sanner, S.; McAllister, L.E.

Journal of Cultural Diversity 17(2): 68-72


ISSN/ISBN: 1071-5568
PMID: 20586369
Document Number: 646343
The purpose of this study was to measure the process of cultural competence over time in a group of Health Science Faculty teaching nursing and other allied health students. Faculty (n=28) were administered the Inventory for Assessing the Process of Cultural Competence Among Healthcare Professionals (IAPCC) prior to a cultural competence workshop, immediately after the workshop, and again at three months, six months and 12 months. The mean scores increased significantly with each administration of the IAPCC from the pretest administration (52.17) to the 12 month administration (59.71) demonstrating new knowledge related to cultural competence as a process.

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