Factors associated with breastfeeding initiation time in a Baby-Friendly Hospital
Orün, E.; Yalçin, S.S.ül.; Madendağ, Y.; Ustünyurt-Eras, Z.; Kutluk, S.; Yurdakök, K.
Turkish Journal of Pediatrics 52(1): 10-16
ISSN/ISBN: 0041-4301 PMID: 20402061 Document Number: 640650
The purpose of this study was to investigate maternal, gestational, and neonatal features associated with the early initiation of breastfeeding. A descriptive study was done between July-October 2006 in the maternity ward of Dr. Zekai Tahir Burak Maternity and Research Hospital, a certificated Baby-Friendly Hospital. Babies with postpartum health problems and those hospitalized in the newborn intensive care unit were not included into the study. A total of 577 mothers participated within 4 to 36 hours' postpartum on a voluntary basis. The mothers completed a questionnaire about the gestational, maternal, neonatal, and first suckling characteristics. Of the 577 cases, 35.2% initiated breastfeeding within the first hour while 72.8% of them initiated breastfeeding within the first two hours of birth. In the multivariate logistic analysis, it was found that the factors affecting early breastfeeding status (within the first 2 hours of birth) were maternal illness during pregnancy, cesarean section and preterm birth. We concluded that the prevention of premature birth, limitation of cesarean section indication, management of maternal anemia, regular and effective pregnancy follow-up visits are important for the early initiation of breastfeeding.