Indications for urgent coronary angiography. Part II: Acute coronary syndromes without ST-segment elevation
Iglesias, J.F.; Roguelov, C.; Kabir, T.; Vogt, P.; Eeckhout, E.
Revue Medicale Suisse 5(205): 1202; 1204-1216; 1208-1209
ISSN/ISBN: 1660-9379 PMID: 19517752 Document Number: 634636
The optimal treatment strategy for patients presenting with an acute coronary syndrome without ST elevation is controversial and different therapeutic approaches are recognized. Currently, given the literature available, it is not possible to recommend a universal systematic invasive approach. It is essential to individually risk stratify patients in order to identify those high risk patients that have been shown to benefit from an invasive strategy. Compared to conservative medical treatment, patients at low risk have not been shown to benefit from an invasive strategy. Urgent coronary angiography remains recommended for those patients with persistent or recurrent ischemic symptoms under optimal medical treatment.