Use of the standard theory of electronic transitions in the description of oscillations in the kinetics of electron transfer in reaction centers of purple bacteria

Shchepetov, D.S.; Chernavskiĭ, D.S.; Gorokhov, V.V.; Pashchenko, V.Z.; Rubin, A.B.

Biofizika 54(6): 1026-1036


ISSN/ISBN: 0006-3029
PMID: 20067182
Document Number: 634108
The standard theory of the electron transfer between donor and acceptor molecules was used to describe oscillations in the reduction kinetics of the intermediate electron acceptor BA and the primary electron acceptor HA. The kinetics of the reduction of BA and HA were simulated on the basis of the model in which one and two accepting modes were used. A principal experiment is offered for the selection of the suitable theory for adequate description of oscillations in the kinetics of electron transfer in the reaction centers of purple bacteria.

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