Differential geometry expression and analysis of regionalized variables of typical pollutants concentration in terrestrial environment

Ye, H.-F.; Guo, S.-H.; Wu, B.; Wang, Y.-H.

Ying Yong Sheng Tai Xue Bao 20(10): 2475-2480


ISSN/ISBN: 1001-9332
PMID: 20077707
Document Number: 633481
Based on the basic concepts of differential geometry in analyzing environmental data and establishing related models, the methodology for differential geometry expression and analysis of pollutants concentration in terrestrial environment was presented. As a kind of regionalized variables, the spatial distribution pattern of the pollutants concentration was transformed into 3-dimension form, and fitted with conicoid. This approach made it possible to analyze the quantitative relationships between the regionalized variables and their spatial structural attributes. For illustration purpose, several sorts of typical space fabrics, such as convexity, concavity, ridge, ravine, saddle, and slope, were calculated and characterized. It was suggested that this approach was feasible for analyzing the regionalized variables of pollutants concentration in terrestrial environment.

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