Laparoscopic excision of a hepatic mesothelial cyst
Silva, A.R.; Fragoso, A.C.; Oliveira, M.; Costa-Maia, J.; Estevão-Costa; Bessa-Monteiro, A.; Campos, M.
Cirugia Pediatrica Organo Oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Cirugia Pediatrica 22(4): 229-232
ISSN/ISBN: 0214-1221 PMID: 20405662 Document Number: 632157
Over the past few years there has been an increase in application of minimally invasive techniques in pediatric surgery, especially in the approach of liver lesions. The mesothelial cysts are extremely rare congenital lesions that arise from celomic remnants. The authors present the clinical case of a three year old child, referred to our institution after an incidental finding of a liver cystic lesion in abdominal ultrasound. The physical examination and blood study were irrelevant. The MRI confirmed the presence of the cystic lesion and pointed, as a possible etiology, a cystic cyst adenoma of the liver. The child was submitted to laparoscopic cyst resection. There peri and postoperative periods were uneventful. He was discharged 48h after surgery. The anatomo-pathological and immunohistochemical studies concluded it was a mesotelial cyst of the liver. The mesothelial cysts of the liver are very rare lesions, with difficult preoperative diagnosis. The laparoscopic excision is a feasible and safe.