Diagnosis of circulatory disorders in the optic nerve in primary open-angle glaucoma. Communication 2. New technologies for the imaging and evaluation of the circulatory system in the optic nerve head

Kharlap, S.I.; Kozlova, I.V.; Vashkulatova, E.A.

Vestnik Oftalmologii 125(6): 59-64


ISSN/ISBN: 0042-465X
PMID: 20143546
Document Number: 631938
The review details the basic principles of the optic nerve head circulation. It analyzes the diagnostic capacities of various study methods that are both traditional and proposed and tested in the past decade. The results of Russian and foreign specialists' studies based on Doppler ultrasound study of the ocular artery, short posterior ciliary arteries, and central retinal artery are given.

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