Histological and immuno-histochemical study of male breast carcinoma in Northern Pakistan

Sharif, M.A.; Mamoon, N.; Arif, A.; Mushtaq, S.; Khadim, M.T.

JPMA. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association 59(2): 67-71


ISSN/ISBN: 0030-9982
PMID: 19260565
Document Number: 629818
To study routine histological as well as immunohistochemical prognostic markers including ER, PR, p-53 and Her-2/neu in male breast carcinoma and compare the above parameters with breast carcinoma in female patients of the same population. Association of the immunohistochemical markers with histological prognostic markers was also studied. Cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out from January 2004 to May 2007 at AFIP, Rawalpindi on 55 cases of male breast carcinoma. Assessment of tumour size on gross examination followed by microscopic evaluation of tumour grade and lymph node metastasis was done. Immunohistochemistry was performed for ER, PR, Her-2/neu and p-53. The male breast cancer patients had a mean age at diagnosis of 57 years with a mean tumour size of 4.25cm, constituting 4.7% of malignancies in men. Infiltrating ductal carcinoma was the predominant subtype with 47 (87.3%) cases. Majority of the tumours were grade II (64.2%) followed by grade III (32.1%). Out of 28 cases with axillary clearance; lymph node metastasis was present in 20 (71%) cases. ER and PR expression was seen in 81% and 79.3% cases respectively while Her-2/neu expression was seen in 24.5%. p-53 was expressed in 14 (26.4%) patients. No association of immunohistochemical markers was seen with lymph node and tumour grade. Male breast cancer has a higher incidence and occurs in a decade younger than the Western population with a larger tumour size and higher number of patients with lymph node metastasis. Men have a higher ER, PR expression as compared to female breast cancer patients without any association with histological prognostic markers. Her-2/neu and p-53 expression in males is comparable to the West but their prognostic role in terms of survival and treatment strategies needs to be ascertained by follow up studies.

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