Small bowel diverticulosis complicated by perforated jejunal diverticula: conservative and/or surgical management?

Prost A La Denise, J.; Douard, R.; Berger, A.; Cugnenc, P.-H.

Hepato-Gastroenterology 55(86-87): 1657-1659


ISSN/ISBN: 0172-6390
PMID: 19102363
Document Number: 628280
Small Bowel Diverticulosis (SBD) is rare and defined by the presence of multiple acquired mucosal herniations on the layer of the duodenal or jejunoileal loop. Usually asymptomatic, SBD is revealed by complications in 5 to 10% of cases. We report two cases of SBD complicated by perforated diverticula. The first case of perforation, revealed by an inflammatory anemia, required a surgical resection after failure of the first-intent medical treatment. The second case, revealed by fever and abdominal pain, was successfully managed by medical treatment. In case of SBD perforation, surgical management should be proposed as first-intent treatment in case of generalized peritonitis or after failure of first-intent medical treatment applied to localized peritonitis.

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