Estimation of sexual behavior in the 18-to-24-years-old Iranian youth based on a crosswise model study
Vakilian, K.; Mousavi, S.A.; Keramat, A.
Bmc Research Notes 7: 28
ISSN/ISBN: 1756-0500 PMID: 24410965 DOI: 10.1186/1756-0500-7-28Document Number: 623308
In many countries, negative social attitude towards sensitive issues such as sexual behavior has resulted in false and invalid data concerning this issue.This is an analytical cross-sectional study, in which a total number of 1500 single students from universities of Shahroud City were sampled using a multi stage technique. The students were assured that their information disclosed for the researcher will be treated as private and confidential. The results were analyzed using crosswise model, Crosswise Regression, T-test and Chi-square tests. It seems that the prevalence of sexual behavior among Iranian youth is 41% (CI = 36-53). Findings showed that estimation sexual relationship in Iranian single youth is high. Thus, devising training models according to the Islamic-Iranian culture is necessary in order to prevent risky sexual behavior.