Comparison of long-term care in European developed countries to possible implementation in Slovakia
Lezovic, M.; Kovac, R.
Bratislavske Lekarske Listy 109(1): 20-24
ISSN/ISBN: 0006-9248 PMID: 18447257 Document Number: 621822
Long-term care within the public services system does not exist in Slovakia. Long-term care is a relatively closed system of health care and social care services. Initially, long-term care policies were formulated as a response to ageing of the population, which brought about growing needs of elderly people for social care and health care, and was associated with relatively rapid increases of necessary costs. All industrial countries are facing similar problems when it comes to the integration of long-term care. In developed countries, current long-term care focuses on all age groups in need of assistance and support from others due to the limitations caused by their state of health (Ref. 34). Full Text (Free, PDF)