Children born after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) : factors of infertility, pregnancy complications, neonatal period and neonatal characteristics

Snajderová, M.; Mardesić, T.; Zemková, D.; Sípek, A.; Gregor, V.; Krejcírová, D.; Sobotková, D.; Kraus, J.; Lánská, V.

Ceska Gynekologie 73(1): 16-21


ISSN/ISBN: 1210-7832
PMID: 18411637
Document Number: 620090
To analyze the type of infertility, pregnancy and neonatal outcome in children conceived after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI children). Prospective open cross-sectional clinical study. University hospital and private IVF unit. Type of infertility, pregnancy complications, neonatal period and neonatal characteristics were evaluated in 135 newborns conceived after ICSI from singleton and twin pregnancies and compared to general population. The percentage of twins was significantly higher after ICSI compared to general population (31% versus 1.7%; p<0.001) as well as the percentage of caesarean section deliveries (31% versus 17.8%; p<0.001). Some complication in neonatal period was found in 21.5% ICSI newborns (18 out of 42 twins and 12 out of 93 singletons; p< 0.001). Some complication during the course of pregnancy was found in 50.9% ICSI children. no differences in gestational age, birth weight and birth length were found when ICSI and spontaneously conceined (sc) singletons and ICSI and SC twins were compared. However, complications during the course of pregnancy and in the neonatal period were more frequent in ICSI conceived children.

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