Congestive heart failure admissions: factors related to hospital length of stay

Velis, E.; Whiteman, A.S.; Caballero, G.S.; Cabrera, B.; Ortiz, S.; Ritter, J.

Journal of Medical Practice Management Mpm 23(6): 350-357


ISSN/ISBN: 8755-0229
PMID: 18616003
Document Number: 615764
Congestive heart failure (CHF) is an illness that affects millions of Americans each year; the cost associated with treatment and care is extensive. This study was based on a total of 480 patients admitted to the Mercy Hospital in Miami, Florida, during 2005. Average length of stay was significantly different based upon type of health insurance, race/ethnicity, marital status, admission source, attending physician specialty, discharge disposition, number of consultations while admitted, surgical procedure, and illness severity. The study results provide hospital executives with vital information for clinical and administrative CHF-related admissions management.

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