Efficiency and side effects of concurrent radiotherapy and chemotherapy for advanced cervical cancers

Bai, P.; Zhang, R.; Li, X-Guang.; Ma, S-Kang.; Wu, L-Ying.; Zhang, W-Hua.

Zhonghua Zhong Liu Za Zhi 29(6): 467-469


ISSN/ISBN: 0253-3766
PMID: 17974286
Document Number: 613297
Objective To investigate the efficiency of concur-rent radiotherapy and chemotherapy for advanced cervical cancer. Methods Between Dec. 1999 and Dec. 2003, 158 women with cervical cancer were treated with concurrent radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The regimen was 45 Gy/25 fraction radiation to the pelvis, intracavitary after-loading 7-9 fractions, (42 +/- 7) Gy to point A and 10-30 Gy to cervical submucosa 0. 5 cm for debulking; meanwhile, chemotherapy was given with cisplatin 60 mg/m(2) d1-d4, and 5-Fu 2400 mg/m(2), over a 96-hour period. Results The rate of local resistence and pelvic recurrence was 4. 4% and 3. 2%, respectively. The rate of distant metastasis was 17. 1 %. The overall 5-year survival rate was 66. 3%, without statistically significant difference between concurrent chemoradiation group and radiation alone group during the same period. The adverse effect included grade 3 or grade 4 leukopenia in 12. 7 % of these patients, grade 3 thrombocytopenia in 1. 3 %, anemia in 3. 2 %, diarrhoea in 17. 8 %, cardiac toxicity in 10. 1 % and radiation- related rectitis in 13. 3 % and cystitis in 0. 6%, but alopecia was rare. Conclusion Concurrent chemotherapy and radiotherapy may not be able to improve survival for advanced cervical cancer, however, adverse effect is tolerable.

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