The practice guideline 'Vaginal discharge' (first revision) from the Dutch College of General Practitioners; a response from the perspective of general practice

Eekhof, J.A.H.

Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde 151(24): 1327-1329


ISSN/ISBN: 0028-2162
PMID: 17665622
Document Number: 609307
The revised practice guideline by the Dutch College of General Practitioners (NHG) on vaginal discharge is intended to offer general practitioners a handle for management of vaginal complaints. Most general practitioners experience uncertainties in daily practice with respect to the diagnosis of vaginal discharge. In most cases, history taking and physical examination fails to provide sufficient valuable information to arrive at a definite diagnosis. No further (microscopic) investigation is only permissible in a very obvious infection with Candida albicans. A recent onset of complaints of itching accompanied by white odourless discharge means a 70% chance of an infection with C. albicans. If the general practitioner also finds vulvar or vaginal inflammation and a nonhomogeneous fluor during examination, the chance of an infection with C. albicans increases to 90%. In all other cases, microscopic investigation is inevitable. This does not reflect an inadequacy of the NHG guideline but is a consequence of the limited diagnostic possibilities to arrive at a precise diagnosis.

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