Hair trace elements in patients with goiter
Farkhutdinova, L.M.; Speranskiĭ, V.V.; Gil'manov, A.Zh.
Klinicheskaia Laboratornaia Diagnostika 2006(8): 19-21
ISSN/ISBN: 0869-2084 PMID: 17087241 Document Number: 595323
The investigation determined whether there was a relationship of thyroid diseases with the geology of the place of residence and its associated spectrum of trace elements (iron, chromium, selenium, manganese, cobalt, copper, nickel, arsenic, and zinc). The geologogeomorphological factors of the habitat, such as geological formations (mineral composition, structure, the degree of rock metamorphism), tectonics, the history of geological development, relief, paleorelief, were found to be of considerable importance in the formation of the human trace element status. Both deficiency and excess of trace elements was shown to be of pathogenetic value in the development of thyroid diseases. Residence in the area wherein carbonate rocks are predominant contributes to an increase in incidence of thyroid diseases.