Left ventricular assist device: can Canada afford this?

Carrier, M.

Canadian Journal of Cardiology 21(13): 1166-1168


ISSN/ISBN: 0828-282X
PMID: 16308591
Document Number: 593803
Heart transplantation remains a limited option in the treatment of patients with end-stage heart failure because of the shortage of donors and the high incidence of heart failure disease in the Canadian population. The current use of mechanical circulatory support systems is directed primarily at patients at imminent risk of death who are temporarily supported as a bridge to cardiac transplantation. Newer left ventricular assist devices, namely, the axial and centrifugal flow pumps, are smarter and more compact devices. Although used as bridge to transplantation, these devices are now seriously considered to become an option in the chronic treatment of patients with severe and unresponsive congestive heart failure.

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