The adaptation experience in a case of family stress generated by the birth of premature triplets

Lee, C.-F.; Lin, S.-S.

Hu Li Za Zhi Journal of Nursing 52(1): 33-39


ISSN/ISBN: 0047-262X
PMID: 15712056
Document Number: 589187
The purpose of this study was to examine the adaptation of a family whose parturient mother had given birth of premature triplets following artificial insemination. The researcher came into contacted with the family at the pediatric outpatient service and provided care immediately. Data were collected by participant observations and interviews. There were nine home visits and three telephone interviews performed in the period from March 6th to June 10th, 2002. Records of proceedings were written up after every interview; the records were analyzed and classified systematically. From the data, four themes of family stress adaptation emerged: Ensuring and facilitating the healthy development of the children, reconstructing the effective resources of the family, wishing for affirmation of the premature triplets by relatives, reconsidering the future of the family. The results of this study may enhance nurses' understanding of the adaptation of families to stress generated by premature triplets. Nurses may apply family centered maternity care to deal with such cases. The families concerned will then be able to raise their confidence about welcoming and caring for premature triplets.

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