The hospital medical director: his role and professional qualification in Modena (Italy) health care system

Mazzi, G.; Cencetti, S.; Lenzotti, G.; Badiali, A.

Annali di Igiene Medicina Preventiva e di Comunita 16(4): 587-595


ISSN/ISBN: 1120-9135
PMID: 15366517
Document Number: 583072
The development of health care system in Italy, from 1968, have changed the hospital medical director function and have put him in conflict with the desired physicians involvement in health care management. In Modena the health care system organisation, the self government and the responsibility decentralisation, promoted the achievement of an organisation model tempering every competence because the success of everyone's task depends on the other one's. Therefore, Italian laws are suitable of getting more efficiency and effectiveness in health care system without new rules, if the clinical governance becomes a way to involve the physicians in management and not an instrument to leave out managers and hospital medical directors.

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