Deployment analysis of the Brazilian Breastfeeding Network: challenges and prospects for promoting breastfeeding in primary care

Venâncio, S.ôn.I.; Martins, M.C.N.; Sanches, M.T.C.; Almeida, H.d.; Rios, G.S.; Frias, P.G.d.

Cadernos de Saude Publica 29(11): 2261-2274


ISSN/ISBN: 1678-4464
PMID: 24233041
DOI: 10.1590/0102-311x00156712
Document Number: 581935
The article evaluates the implementation of the Brazilian Breastfeeding Network, a strategy developed by the Ministry of Health to encourage breastfeeding in primary health care. We performed an evaluation study on the implementation analysis of component 1, considering three levels (Federal, State, and Municipal). A log-frame model and matrix of indicators for the Breastfeeding Network were developed. To understand the organizational context, applying the categories analyzed by Matus Triangles and the degree of implementation of the Breastfeeding Network, we used document analysis, interviews, and focus groups. The degree of implementation was obtained by assessing the proposed activities at all three levels; municipalities were evaluated according to Ministry of Health criteria for certification of primary health care services. We identified different organizational contexts and different degrees of deployment, ranging from 18 to 100%. The study showed the influence of context on the deployment strategy, such that more favorable contexts were associated with more advanced levels of deployment.

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